If you’re looking for an adult BJJ program in Altamonte Springs, look no further. At United Legion Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, our mission is to teach Jiu-Jitsu (ground fighting) as a means for self-defense, and typically there are four types of adversaries to consider:

  1. Smaller and less skilled
  2. Larger and less skilled
  3. Smaller and more skilled
  4. Larger and more skilled

The danger in real altercations is to end up pinned beneath a larger person without the skills to escape. During the first two years—roughly the time needed to obtain a blue belt—the goal is to develop the ability to defeat a larger untrained person. The purpose of training, therefore, is to learn techniques that equip us with the skill to fight from the top or bottom positions. Once this milestone is achieved, we can defend ourselves against the majority of would-be attackers.

Escalating Force

Additionally, the objective in self-defense is not to hurt someone, but to stop a threat. If we must defend ourselves, BJJ is an excellent option because it gives us the ability to escalate the use of force. For instance, in striking arts the objective during a physical altercation is a knockout. A knockout, however, may lead to legal issues. 

In contrast, with Jiu-Jitsu we use our skills to defend ourselves while causing minimal injury to an opponent. Most of the time this is enough to deter them from further aggression. Should the attacker continue, we can use submissions—chokes and joint locks—to escalate force. Sometimes it’s not necessary to hurt someone, even in self-defense. 

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A second benefit of BJJ training is physical fitness. Often visitors take advantage of the free-week trial, but can’t complete the warm up. In this case we encourage micro-goals. If a person can’t finish the warm up on the first day, an excellent aim for the following class would be to go five minutes longer. The next objective might be to complete the warm up. As their stamina improves they develop the capacity to go further. 

The following step may be to complete an entire class. Once they’ve created micro-goals, what was previously too difficult becomes achievable. After enrolling, new members begin to see a gradual, but measurable improvement. They improve until finally, one who couldn’t complete a ten-minute warm up is finishing full classes. They may see such stark improvements that within a few months, they’re able to do two classes on the same night. All of this, however, comes with time. 

To paraphrase inspirational speaker Les Brown, you don’t have to be in shape to get started, but you do have to get started to be in shape. 



At the start of your BJJ journey, it’s important to note that the first six months will be the most challenging. For one thing, learning a new skill—going from knowing nothing to mastering the basics—takes time. Another detail to consider is that every black belt started as a white belt.

Tips for early success in BJJ

If you want to maximize your training, use the following three ideas. First, create a strong why. Strong motives produce motivation. Why do you want to start practicing BJJ? Do you want to improve your physical fitness? Do you want to learn self-defense? Are you looking for a new hobby? When the why is clear, the how is easy. Next, set a goal. Some worthy aims to pursue may include:

  • Attend three classes per week

  • Participate in at least fifteen rounds of grappling per week

  • Attend Grappling Night

Whatever your objective, if it’s clear you can measure progress. Finally, develop patience. Give yourself time to learn. Remember, with each class and grappling session you’ll absorb at least one new idea. Have fun, trust the process, and your self-confidence will improve.

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No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu

No-Gi grappling—in which students dress in a t-shirt and shorts—is one of the core components of this martial art. In the Gi, the practitioner has access to collar grips, sleeve grips, and pant grips. This type of grappling doesn’t necessarily make gripping easier, but different than No-Gi.

In contrast, to control an opponent in No-Gi, the practitioner uses mostly two-on-one hand gripping, collar ties (grabbing the back of the opponent’s neck), and body-locks (similar to bear hugs).

  • The sweat factor makes No-Gi training slippery

  • Faster pace

  • Less submissions to apply

  • Less submissions to defend against

  • More conducive to leg locks

  • More realistic for Mixed Martial Arts training (although equally realistic as Gi training for self-defense situations).
We offer No-Gi classes for adults and children. For more information, please contact us or click the button below.
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In Jiu-Jitsu, there are two broad categories of submissions: chokes and joint locks. Regarding joint locks, new BJJ practitioners can target the upper-body joints-shoulders, elbows, and wrists. But advanced students can also target lower body joints-knees and ankles-forcing their opponent to tap-out. Every Tuesday afternoon and Thursday evening we have an hour of instruction on leg locks.

  • Set-ups and entries

  • Leg entanglements

  • Knee bars and compressions

  • Toe holds

  • Straight foot locks

  • Heel hooks

Leg locks are advanced Jiu-Jitsu techniques, but with practice your self-defense knowledge will be complete.

*The leg lock class is only available to United Legion Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu students. We don’t accept visitors, drop-ins, or mat fees for this specific class. Also, please keep in mind the uniform for this class is No-Gi.


Competition is an excellent way to test your skills. In tournaments, you’ll compete within your own division, which is determined by your weight, age, and belt level. Therefore if you’re just getting started in BJJ and you want to test the water, you’ll always be matched against someone who is of similar size and experience. 

Although you’re always welcome to compete if that is your wish, competing is not a prerequisite to membership at United Legion BJJ. Lastly, please keep in mind there are many Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tournaments (Gi and No-Gi), but the main ones are included below.

Finally, tournaments are a great way for kids to test their BJJ. Many events are available for children to compete and put their skills on display. Please keep in mind, though, that competition is not a requirement for our child members.



Among the various Jiu-Jitsu classes on our schedule, this is one of the most intense grappling classes we offer. During this time, we aim to push your endurance-mental and physical-to the limits. For that reason, Grappling Night—in addition to our other BJJ classes—is an excellent opportunity to gain tremendous experience.

  • Warm-up
  • High-repetition conditioning
  • Ten six-minute rounds of grappling
  • One and a half minutes of rest between rounds

For those who wish to attend we recommend three things. First, please plan to stay for the whole class and try to participate in every round (to the best of your ability). Second, please bring the appropriate fluids for hydration.

Finally, for this class we also require you to be at least a one-stripe white belt. By meeting this minimum requirement, and considering there is no “teaching” during this time, you’ll have mastered enough of the basics to get through the training. 

For kids Jiu-Jitsu we do a class similar to grappling night. This class is every Wednesday at 5:30 pm.


The three basic skills in BJJ are takedowns, positioning, and submissions. During instruction students learn how to use these skills to win a fight. After instruction, though, members participate in live grappling (sparring). This is when they test their technique against resistant training partners. To determine which class is best suited for your needs, please review our class structure.

Beginners BJJ 
  • Bow in—class begins
  • Warm-up—15 minutes
  • Instruction—30 minutes
  • Specific training (starting in specific positions)—15 minutes
  • Bow out—class ends
All Levels BJJ (advanced)
  • Bow in—class begins
  • Warm-up—15 minutes
  • Instruction/drilling—30 minutes
  • Open grappling—30-40 minutes
  • Bow out—class ends
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If you have some grappling experience (ie., two or three months of training), open mat is the perfect opportunity to hone your technique, improve your timing, and accumulate mat time. Similar to Grappling Night, there is no “teaching” during open mat as this is not a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class. Rather, you train at your own pace.

  • Roll (spar)
  • Drill techniques (Gior No-Gi)
  • Stretch
  • Watch and learn
  • Practice leg locks
  • Use the gym

With that said, though, without at least a few months worth of practice, a student often doesn’t know what to do during a roll (sparing session). Therefore we welcome all students to open mat, but it’s necessary to have some experience.

Finally, open mat is for adults only. Please let us know if you would like to know more about our kids classes.

Open mat. Saturdays 11AM-1PM.


There are multiple reasons that make BJJ an excellent choice:

  1. Self-defense. BJJ is one of the few arts that gives a smaller person a fighting chance against a larger opponent. It also gives you the ability to escalate force as needed, thus avoiding legal issues.

  2. Get in shape. BJJ is an excellent way to improve your physical fitness.

  3. Self-belief. Finally, BJJ will help improve your self-confidence.

  4. Locale. We offer BJJ in Altamonte Springs for your convenience. We’re located near I4 and Douglas rd.

To learn more about our adult BJJ program, please click the button below, complete the form, and we’ll contact you within one business day.

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To try a few classes, click below!

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