Is Jiu-Jitsu good for self-defense?

Yes. Jiu-Jitsu is one of the best martial arts for self-defense. Without knowledge of ground fighting, you may vulnerable to a larger opponent. With this knowledge, however, you should be able to defend yourself against a larger attacker. 

What should I bring/wear for the free-week trial?
  • Driver’s license to sign the waiver
  • A water bottle
  • Please wear comfortable workout clothes (free of any metal buttons or zippers)
  • For safety, no ear or nose piercings should be worn
  • For ladies, leggings are recommended
Do I have to buy anything during the free-week trial?

No, we do not ask you to purchase anything. It’s free! Claim your free trial here.

Do you offer veteran or first-responder discounts?

Yes. Click Here.

I train Jiu-Jitsu at another gym and I’m in town visiting. Can I use your free-week trial?

No, the free-week trial is for Seminole, Volusia, and Orange county residents only. If you’re visiting from another part of Florida, another state, or another country we ask for a mat fee. We also ask for identification when signing the waiver.

My child trains here and his/her friend wants to try a few classes, can they come with us next time?

During the free-week trial, the friend’s legal guardian must accompany him/her on their first trip to sign the waiver. After that, your child’s friend can come without their guardian.

When can my child start going to the adult classes?

At his discretion, the head instructor will move a child from the kids’ class to the adult class after the child meets one of the following criteria:

1) The child is physically big enough.

A child may be twelve years old but if he or she weighs 125 pounds—which is as heavy as a small adult—they can attend the adult class. At this point, they are too big for the small kids.

2) The child is old enough.

A child may weigh 115 pounds, but at fifteen years of age they are old enough to participate in the adult martial arts class without being disruptive.

If either condition is met, the head instructor usually approves the transition.

Do you have a family plan?

Yes, we have family plan options.

When I sign up, do I have to purchase the school’s gi (uniform)?

Although we appreciate anyone who purchases our merchandise, we do not require you to wear our gi. However, we do ask you not to wear gis from other academies.

Do I have to sign a one-year contract?

No, all of our memberships are on a month-to-month basis.

What are your prices?

For more information, please call or stop in to visit us and we’ll be happy to explain the options.

What does my membership cover?

As a member you have access to:

  • All BJJ classes
  • The gym area
  • The shower (please bring your own soap and towel)
If I sign up, can I compete?

Yes, you can compete but competing isn’t a prerequisite to membership.

How can I cancel my membership?

As a member, you’re responsible for notifying us of your desire to cancel. Billing does not stop —regardless of attendance—until we’ve received this request. Once we’ve received this request, we’ll suspend billing immediately.

For more information, please see the following:


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